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Revision as of 01:07, 17 January 2012

Package filled with all blizzard melee maps

In order to host melee maps you must follow thing following steps:

1) Download the archive file, unzip it and put the .cfg map files in ghost/mapcfgs/ folder

2) Create 2 new folders in your Warcraft\Maps Directory names roc and tft , so you'll end up with something like this (it changes depending on ur warcraft path)

C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\roc\
C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\tft\

3) Put all roc maps (.w3x or .w3m NOT .cfg) in the roc folder Put all tft maps in the tft folder. 4) start the ghost, and use !map tft-losttemple (for example) to host a map.

Download cfg for all maps.

CFG link : dotabot.net/uploads/configs.zip